Monday, June 7, 2010

MSI Sketch Book demoed

In addition to the various new netbook concepts MSI showed off at Computex, here's a look at something more unique, the MSI Sketch Book.

The MSI Sketch Book, as the name applies, is intended for people who want to sketch handwritten notes or drawings with their laptops. As any digital sketch artists knows, touchscreen devices are not targeted for such purposes since most are optimized for the finger rather than a styles.

Well, MSI is hoping to target this market segment by providing a netbook that has a stylus compatible surface for taking notes, drawing, or any other type of sketching.

As you can see in the video demo, the hand-writing surface can be rotated around and replaced by a full QWERTY keyboard on the other side. Quite ingenious really, but how practical it is still remains the question because you can only use one form of input or the other, unlike if a USB stylus pad was attached.