At Computex, Intel has disclosed that dual-core Atoms for netbooks are in production.
So far, Intel has launched and began shipping 4 new Atom processors this year: N455, N475 for the netbook and the D425 and D525 for the "net-top" market. Even so, only the D525 is a dual-core processor - a 1.8GHz chip.
According to executives, with the new dual-core Atom chip now in production, we can expect to see products with the yet un-numbered processor by the year end holiday season.
The new chip launches are part of Intel's "Atom Everywhere" strategy, according to Anil Naudauri, the markting director for netbooks and tablets for the PC client group.
The addition of a dual-core Atom for netbooks will be significant, since the company's dual-core efforts have so far been confined to the net-top space.