Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Chrome OS netbooks around US$300-US$400, says Schmidt

The netbook market today is pretty much dominated by Windows-based machines, but Google is hoping to change that later in the year with its Chrome OS for netbooks. The idea behind Chrome OS is that you'll be able to boot up your netbook and get online quickly, and do everything online. It is essentially a web browser OS.

Speaking at an event recently, Google CEO Eric Schmidt let loose a few more details of his vision. He expects netbooks running Chrome OS to sell for about US$300-$400, which is about the same price as most netbooks currently on the market.

While Chrome OS will be free, it doesn't actually provide that much of a cost saving, since Microsoft licenses Windows 7 Starter Edition for netbooks at a pretty low price.

Would the Chrome OS make a difference? I would like to hope so, since having alternatives to Windows is always a good thing.

Via TechRadar