If you have read recent netbook reviews, you'll notice they don't even bother to benchmark and compare performance and pretty much only focus on comfort and battery life. That's because netbooks have been pretty much clones of each other with their standard Atom processors and the Intel® 945GSE Express Chipsets. Well, that's all about to change with Nvidia's Ion chipset.
PC Pro UK has pushed out a review of the Samsung N510 netbook, and have given their hearty thumbs up calling the Atom and Ion netbook combination a success.
"Before you get too excited, be aware that Nvidia's Ion LE is no miracle worker. It does, however, add gaming capabilities where there were previously next to none. And, more importantly, there's even enough poke to decode 1080p video."At the end of the day though, I think we all know that the Atom is not going to make much headway as a gaming platform, but it is a breath of fresh air to have an alternative which pushes the boundaries of the netbook platform.
Read the review.